Who I learned from

Dr. Joe Keaney


I completed Joe’s Diploma/Advanced Diploma course back in 2011.

Dr. Keaney is the founder of the Institute Of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and the foremost trainer of Hypnotherapists in Ireland for over thirty years.

Dr. Keaney is one of the most respected and revered hypnotherapists in the world. His knowledge and experience has been invaluable to me in my own practice.

John Prendergast


John is an award winning psycho-trauma/anxiety therapist who has acted as a mentor to me for many years now.

I initially completed my own hypno-analysis with him before going into practice which was life-changing for me. I got to see the results of this kind of therapy first hand.

Since that time John has become a colleague and has provided me with invaluable guidance and training that has helped me improve exponentially in my own practice.

Ian Epstein


Ian has over twenty years of experience as a clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. He is my supervisor since I started my own practice.

Ian was chairman of the Institute Of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy for six years and is currently the vice chairperson for the European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists (of which I am an accredited member and also act on the committee as Professional Standards And Accreditation Officer) .

I can always rely on Ian to share his wisdom on all matters pertaining to clinical hypnotherapy.

Dr. Peter L. George


Dr. George is one of the world’s leading authorities on hypnotherapy.

He is the principal and director of studies for the I.C.H.P in Australia.

With over twenty years of experience in the field it was an honour to receive training from him in 2011 in the Marino Institute, Dublin.

I regularly attend ongoing training events to ensure I am constantly expanding my knowledge base and training under people who are at the forefront in the world of therapy, well-being and mental health.