I am no stranger to the issues I help people with.
I know what it is like to worry about everything and anything and even worry when things are going well about what might go wrong. I understand feeling insecure and in adequate around other people for no good reason. I spent many nights lying awake thinking of the terrible things that might happen to me or my loved ones. I turned to some very unhealthy ways to deal with these feelings that ultimately only made things worse.
In addition to my past as a very anxious person, I was also a heavy smoker who never imagined a life where I was delighted to be without them was possible.
The relief of being free from these issues is what drives me help others to break free also.

What I help people with
Smoke Cessation
I used to think I was destined to smoke until the day I died. I would make the odd attempt to quit and would last for a matter of hours. I would not be able to think of anything else but having a cigarette and I would give in.
They made me feel awful. I felt old before my time. I had no energy, smelled like stale smoke, my skin looked terrible and I had a horrible wheeze on my lungs that terrified me. I hated the things, yet I could not stop reaching for another one and another one.
It wasn’t until I had a complete change in thinking about my habit that I was able to break free and take back control. Once I understood my addiction and the best methods to overcome it, I put out my final cigarette and felt nothing but relief to be rid of them. It felt amazing to be free.
Helping others to break free is my passion and it is a genuine pleasure to see someone put their habit behind them and feel great about it.
I am always happy to talk about the easiest ways to get to that smoke-free life.
Smoking doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

For many people feeling on edge and worried about everything and nothing is ‘the norm’. They have felt that way for so long they believe it is simply their personality.
Living in a perpetual state of anxiousness is deeply unpleasant. It can become unbearable for some.
Some common traits of anxiety are: feeling on edge, holding back from doing things in case we fail, thinking we are stupid, feeling worthless, ugly or just ‘not good enough’, suffering poor sleep, always thinking of the worst case scenario, avoiding certain situations, fear of speaking up for ourselves, avoiding phone calls etc.
Life with anxiety can be miserable but it is not something that we have to accept and live with forever.
I love to discuss ways of eliminating anxiety from our lives.
Life can always get better.
“Teresa is amazingly good at what she does. I am 13 weeks smoke free and it feels brilliant... I had never been to a hypnotherapist before and didn't really know what it involved. Making my appointment with Teresa was the best and nicest thing I've ever done for myself...That Teresa has made herself available for continued support after you leave her room is wonderful, and a testament to the therapist she is…’’
Pauline Buckley
“All I can say is thank you Teresa from 20 a day for 30+ years to being smoke free 4 weeks in and never thought I’d see the day honestly I was so bad I would smoke even with the patches on Teresa was fantastic would recommend her highly’’
Grace Keeley
‘’Teresa is a dedicated and skilled therapist who really knows her stuff. She's my number one recommendation for Stop Smoking help because of the successes reported to me by the people I recommend to her. I highly recommend her because of her proven track record’’
John Prendergast
Call or Email me now!
Let's chat about how I can help you improve your life.
Email: teresa@teresabolger.com
Tel: 087 661 4394
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